The Biofit Blog
Join us on the journey!
Here you will find fitness tips, techniques, strategies, and more, as well as stories to inspire you along the way.
Today, we’re taking a hard look at winter weight gain. It’s a common problem—people tend to pack on a few pounds during the winter months. But we want to fight back, and we hope you will join us. Let’s get after this now, while winter is still in full force.
Brace yourself. According to Rod K. Dishman, Ph.D., director of the Behavioral Fitness Laboratory at the University of Georgia, nearly 50 percent of people who begin an exercise program drop out within the first 6…
Ever heard someone give themselves permission to indulge their sweet tooth just because they just had a great workout? It’s a common excuse. Many people believe that because they exercise, they’re…
In just a few days, families all over America will be sitting down to a meal which looks back to that first Thanksgiving in which the Pilgrims commemorated the harvest after a harsh winter. The year was 1621, and…
Chances are you have heard of adrenal fatigue, but you may not be quite sure what it is. Understanding this condition is important however, because some experts suggest that 80% of the Western world will be…
Are you going gluten-free? If so, you are in good company. Many Americans are reducing the gluten in their diets. Some are doing this because they have a confirmed diagnosis of Celiac disease, some are gluten…
Have you noticed? The days are getting a little shorter, store aisles are full of school supplies and you may have seen a school bus or two making practice runs in your neighborhood. All this can only mean one thing…
It’s 3 in the afternoon and you can barely keep your eyes open. Your mind feels foggy, and all you want to do is curl up under your desk for 20 minutes and take a nap. But cutting-edge, productive people don’t take…
Zig Ziglar once said, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” And each of us knows from our own experience that he is right. The general flow of human life tends to be toward ease and comfort. One day…
When was the last time you thought about your liver? If you are like most people, this amazing organ does not command much of your attention. But if you are interested in living as healthily as possible, attending to…
In a society where the ultimatum between sleep and success is implied, why would we sacrifice time to snooze? Especially when we feel it’s a waste of time? We have all heard that sleep is supposed to help us look…
Let’s face it: it is hard to stick to a healthy eating and exercise plan during the holidays. Everywhere we turn there are tempting foods and drinks—from treats at office parties to our own traditional family favorites.
Fall is here, and that means that cold and flu season has arrived. Have you ever noticed that some people seldom get sick? Or maybe you have wondered why after being exposed to the same virus, one person gets…
There are few things as exciting as new boot campers eager to make serious lifestyle changes and make up for lost time in their quest to get fit and healthy. Their motivation and passion are contagious, and watching…
So you spent the winter and spring working hard. You exercised consistently, you were careful to eat more healthy foods and you watched your portion sizes. Why? So you would look great at the lake and have plenty…
If you have been working out over the past winter and spring months, you may be surprised at the new challenges that summertime fitness throws at you. Now that it is summer, you are probably discovering that…
It’s time to stop planning and start empowering yourself. The time to move is now, and small group personal training is the perfect way to get started.
This is for you, Moms. In fact, whether you are a mom or not, this is for all the women out there who feel trapped in a cycle of, “One day, I am going to eat healthy, lose weight and really take care of myself.”
Doctors always say to drink water and drink a bunch of it, 64 oz or more daily in fact! This makes sense because the human body is made up of over seventy percent water; therefore, drinking fluids to maintain and…