BioFit Memberships

Live your best life


age doesn't define you


abilities don't define you


injuries don't define you


Live your best life | age doesn't define you | abilities don't define you | injuries don't define you |

Many people feel out of place at big gyms or that aggressive workout trends don’t work for their bodies. BioFit is a locally owned, friendly gym that provides expert guidance, with a brain-based approach, so that you can feel comfortable in your own skin and meet even the most complex fitness goals; No matter your age, fitness level, or body type.

Our gym offers a variety of cardio equipment, dumbbells, barbells, resistance bands and tubing, med balls, kettlebells, and resistance training machines. These tools have been carefully selected to help our members keep their joints safe while they work towards their fitness goals.

The gym membership comes with a free orientation to help you organize, discuss your goals and strategies, and offer options for better accountability and success!

Basic Gym Membership