Let’s face it: it is hard to stick to a healthy eating and exercise plan during the holidays. Everywhere we turn there are tempting foods and drinks—from treats at office parties to our own traditional family favorites.
Fall is here, and that means that cold and flu season has arrived. Have you ever noticed that some people seldom get sick? Or maybe you have wondered why after being exposed to the same virus, one person gets…
There are few things as exciting as new boot campers eager to make serious lifestyle changes and make up for lost time in their quest to get fit and healthy. Their motivation and passion are contagious, and watching…
So you spent the winter and spring working hard. You exercised consistently, you were careful to eat more healthy foods and you watched your portion sizes. Why? So you would look great at the lake and have plenty…
If you have been working out over the past winter and spring months, you may be surprised at the new challenges that summertime fitness throws at you. Now that it is summer, you are probably discovering that…
It’s time to stop planning and start empowering yourself. The time to move is now, and small group personal training is the perfect way to get started.
This is for you, Moms. In fact, whether you are a mom or not, this is for all the women out there who feel trapped in a cycle of, “One day, I am going to eat healthy, lose weight and really take care of myself.”
Doctors always say to drink water and drink a bunch of it, 64 oz or more daily in fact! This makes sense because the human body is made up of over seventy percent water; therefore, drinking fluids to maintain and…
The warm breezes of spring mean that Easter is around the corner! After the heavy colors of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentine’s Day, the bright, cheerful colors of spring are a welcome sight…
“It’s that time of the year in the Rockies. The weather is getting nice and spring sports are swinging back into action. Athletes indulge themselves in various athletic outdoor activities such as: spring skiing, cycling…
It’s all around you, but you probably don’t even notice. It is a stealth energy-drainer, and it may be sabotaging your fitness goals. It’s called clutter and each of us has it in our lives…
Ever since Napoleon Hill wrote his groundbreaking book, Think and Grow Rich, successful people have been using mastermind groups to up-level their accomplishments and create opportunities for themselves and for…
Zig Ziglar once said, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” And each of us knows from our own experience that he is right. The general flow of human life tends to be toward ease and comfort…
How too Much Cortisol can lead to Decreased Health and Increased Belly Fat. Some have called it the “master” of all hormones. Others curse it for its ability to wreak havoc on our body’s…
What is your stress threshold? Ultimately, your stress threshold is the level of stress your body can take on (or tolerate) before your muscle contractile efficiency is affected. To better illustrate this, let’s use a professional…
Let’s face it: it is hard to stick to a healthy eating and exercise plan during the holidays. Everywhere you turn there are tempting foods and drinks—from treats at office parties to your own traditional family favorites…
In a bowl mix together spinach, garlic, cream cheese, and feta. Cut a slit in each chicken breast, and stuff with the cheese mixture. In a large pan heat oil.
If you have ever tried to ignore a box of doughnuts at work, you know how hard it is to keep your hands to yourself and walk on by. And once you walk on by, the battle isn’t over. Even if you are in a different room…
Muscle Activation Techniques™ (MAT™) is a revolutionary approach that assesses and corrects a client’s muscular system. It is as simple as that to explain, yet it is an amazingly effective and nuanced tool…
There are few things as exciting as new exercise enthusiasts eager to make serious lifestyle changes and make up for lost time in their quest to get fit and healthy. Their motivation and passion are contagious…