Effortless Fitness

When looking at most health and fitness goals, it’s the accumulation of quality reps performed over a period of time that creates long term adaptations. Whether it be shedding lbs, making strength gains, improving balance, or any other desired outcome, long term sustained results require consistency.

“Slow is Smooth, Smooth is Fast”

You may recognize this quote from a military mantra or if you’ve read the book Effortless by Greg McKeown.

In this book Greg gives exceptional ways to tap into an effortless state. This month we are going to give you guidance in finding your effortless state for your health and fitness goals. 


When starting out on a new goal, most people want a big elaborate plan with every detail mapped out before they begin. Then when something unexpected happens and throws them off their perfect plan they stop all together. Life isn’t perfect. Things come up. The most important thing you can do to accomplish your goal is to start! It doesn’t have to be pretty, long, or drawn out. It just has to point you in the right direction, and along the way you can adapt, expand, and reorganize in order to stay on course. So instead of trying to predict more than reality allows, draw a simple 3 step outline that gives you somewhere to start.


Think of a barrier in your way of achieving your fitness goal. Now walk yourself through the very first thing you need to do. Are there things you might be able to do differently that aren’t as hard or complicated? Most of the time, the answer is yes. Make no mistake, it is important to work hard at the things important to you, but sometimes there are ways to make progress without having to make it so complicated. Sometimes the simplest goal can give you the greatest benefit. Things like chewing your food slower so you can pay more attention to it, filling up appropriately so you don’t unknowingly overeat, or once you walk to your car you do 5 squats before getting in. The way we are wired (for survival) the simpler the task, the more likely we are to actually do it. So consider taking your goals and boiling them down a bit. Make it as simple as possible!


Set yourself up for success by giving yourself reasonable boundaries. Set a lower boundary so that even if everything goes wrong you’d still be able to accomplish it and move the needle forward. Then set an upper boundary. Even if you were really feeling in rhythm, once you’ve reached that mark, you call it a day. These are important boundaries to set so that regardless of what is going on, you are able to maintain advancement on your goals every day. That way you don’t put yourself at risk of not doing enough or, on the flip side, burnout.

To sum it up… Start, make it simple, and pace yourself!

If you feel like you need help in any of these steps, reach out to us! Our expert trainers can help you organize your information to help you move your needle towards your fitness goals!